American Guardian Warranty Services Inc. BBB Accreditation A BBB Accredited Business since 05/01/2000 BBB has determined that AMerican Guardian Warranty Services, Inc. meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a free for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public. BBB accreditation does not mean that the business products or services have been evaluated or endorsed by BBB or that BBB has made a determination as to the business product quality or competency in performing services.
Reason for Rating
BBB rating is based on 7 factors.
Length of time business has been operating
Complaint volume filled with BBB for business of this size
Response to 39 complaint(s) filed against business
Resolution of complaint(s) filed against business
BBB has sufficient background information on this business
Reason for Rating
BBB rating is based on 7 factors.
Length of time business has been operating
Complaint volume filled with BBB for business of this size
Response to 39 complaint(s) filed against business
Resolution of complaint(s) filed against business
BBB has sufficient background information on this business
The following stated components are covered. All internally lubricated parts of engine, including pistons, piston rings, piston pins, crankshaft and main bearings, connecting rods and rod bearings. camshaft and camshaft bearings, timing chain, timing gears, intake and exhaust valves, valve springs, oil pump, push rods, rocker arms, hydraulic lifters, rocker arm shafts, and water pump. Diesel engine: turbocharger and fuel injection pump.
The following stated components are covered. Internally lubricated parts of manual or automatic transmissions include: oil pump, drums, planetaries, sun gear and shell shafts, bearings, shift rail, forks and synchronizes.
Front wheel drive equipped: drive axle housing and all internally lubricated parts including: carrier case, gear sets, chain and sprockets, bearings, bushings and axle shafts. Rear wheel drive equipped: drive axle case and all internal lubricated parts including: carrier ring and pinion gears, gear sets, bearings and bushings limited slip clutch pack, and axle shafts. Four wheel drive/oil wheel drive equipped: when selected on the information page, all components listed under front wheel and rear wheel equipped are covered.
Repair or replacement of internally lubricated parts are covered. The transfer case housing is not covered unless damaged by an above listed internally lubricated covered part.
Compressor, Compressor Clutch and Pulley. Condenser evaporator core, receiver drier orifice, temperature control programmer, P>O>A valve, expansion valve, heater/AC ventilation blower motor and fan heater core, radiator and condenser cooling fan motors.
Alternator, voltage regulator, starter motor and drive, starter solenoid, front windshield wiper motor, rear wiper motor, front./rear windshield washer pumps. Delay circuit board, relay and switch, Electronic ignition module. electronic control module(ECM), body control module, distributor, engine management control computer, spark control/anti detonation sensor and controller, Power window motors and power window regulator, power door lock actuators, heated back glass-element, wiring harnesses, horn(s), manually operated electrical switches (except audio/video control switches). Controlling power door locks and windows, headlight switch, turn signal switch, wiper switch, cruise control engagement switch, Cruise control module, servo and transducer.
All seals and gaskets for named components except when the cause of failure is the result of overheating, lack of lubrication or lack of required fluids.
The waiting period before the contact in effect is 30 day and 1,000 miles from contract date. Term and mileage starts from the end of the waiting period.
The total of all benefits payable under this Agreement shall not exceed the retail price. You paid for your vehicle or ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), whichever is less.
Engine and water pump: $5,000.00
Transmission: $3,000.00
Transfer Case: $2,5000.00
Drive Axle: $2,500.00
Air Conditioning: $1,000.00
Electrical: $1,500.00
Emergency fluid/fuel delivery
Service lock-out Towing assistance
Dead battery service Flat tier service
Modified vehicle coverage
Commercial Use
Day One Coverage – 30 day and 1,000 miles waiting period
The following stated components are covered. All internally lubricated parts of engine, including pistons, piston rings, piston pins, crankshaft and main bearings, connecting rods and rod bearings. camshaft and camshaft bearings, timing chain, timing gears, intake and exhaust valves, valve springs, oil pump, push rods, rocker arms, hydraulic lifters, rocker arm shafts, and water pump. Diesel engine: turbocharger and fuel injection pump.
The following stated components are covered. Internally lubricated parts of manual or automatic transmissions include: oil pump, drums, planetaries, sun gear and shell shafts, bearings, shift rail, forks and synchronizes.
Front wheel drive equipped: drive axle housing and all internally lubricated parts including: carrier case, gear sets, chain and sprockets, bearings, bushings and axle shafts. Rear wheel drive equipped: drive axle case and all internal lubricated parts including: carrier ring and pinion gears, gear sets, bearings and bushings limited slip clutch pack, and axle shafts. Four wheel drive/oil wheel drive equipped: when selected on the information page, all components listed under front wheel and rear wheel equipped are covered.
Repair or replacement of internally lubricated parts are covered. The transfer case housing is not covered unless damaged by an above listed internally lubricated covered part.
Compressor, Compressor Clutch and Pulley. Condenser evaporator core, receiver drier orifice, temperature control programmer, P>O>A valve, expansion valve, heater/AC ventilation blower motor and fan heater core, radiator and condenser cooling fan motors.
Alternator, voltage regulator, starter motor and drive, starter solenoid, front windshield wiper motor, rear wiper motor, front./rear windshield washer pumps. Delay circuit board, relay and switch, Electronic ignition module. electronic control module(ECM), body control module, distributor, engine management control computer, spark control/anti detonation sensor and controller, Power window motors and power window regulator, power door lock actuators, heated back glass-element, wiring harnesses, horn(s), manually operated electrical switches (except audio/video control switches). Controlling power door locks and windows, headlight switch, turn signal switch, wiper switch, cruise control engagement switch, Cruise control module, servo and transducer.
All seals and gaskets for named components except when the cause of failure is the result of overheating, lack of lubrication or lack of required fluids.
The waiting period before the contact in effect is 30 day and 1,000 miles from contract date. Term and mileage starts from the end of the waiting period.
The total of all benefits payable under this Agreement shall not exceed the retail price. You paid for your vehicle or ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), whichever is less.
Engine and water pump: $5,000.00
Transmission: $3,000.00
Transfer Case: $2,5000.00
Drive Axle: $2,500.00
Air Conditioning: $1,000.00
Electrical: $1,500.00
Emergency fluid/fuel delivery
Service lock-out Towing assistance
Dead battery service Flat tier service
Modified vehicle coverage
Commercial Use
Day One Coverage – 30 day and 1,000 miles waiting period
Extra Income For Your Shop
200 | Monthly RO’s = $57,600 Net Profit Annually |
x 80% | Estimated Non-Warranty Owners |
160 | Non-Warranty Owners |
x 10% | Estimated Warranty Sales |
16 | Warranties Sold |
x 12 | Months |
192 | Warranties Sold Annually |
x $200.00 | Service Center Commission |
+ $100.00 | BM Pay customers BONUS |
$57,600 | Net Profit Annually |
PLATINUM PLAN for cars less than 8 years old and less than 80,000 miles. BASIC PLAN for cars less than 20 years old and under 150,000 miles. 24 MONTHS/50,000 MILES OR 36 MONTHS/75,000 MILES Everyone is approved
No monthly or annual fee’s
No customer Credit Checks
0% Financing
All Paperless
Customer Friendly (easy to use app)
Fixed pricing everyone pay’s the same price
No pressure on the customers and anybody like family or their friends can purchase a warranty using the App from anywhere at anytime.
No monthly or annual fee’s
No customer Credit Checks
0% Financing
All Paperless
Customer Friendly (easy to use app)
Fixed pricing everyone pay’s the same price
No pressure on the customers and anybody like family or their friends can purchase a warranty using the App from anywhere at anytime.
You can now offer extended warranties for your customers! This increases customer loyalty because they feel that you will service the warranty.
If you do 25 work orders per week | 100/mo |
80% don’t have a warranty | 80 customers |
10% will buy the warranty | 8 sales |
You make $200 per warranty sold | $1,600 profit/mo |
Extra $100 bonus with credit card processing | $800 profit/mo |
Manufacturer Part/Item#
Set your cost, different retail price levels, create purchase orders, process & track deliveries, track item sales history, and run reports such as:
Parts In Use
Top Sellers
Physical Count Sheets
Quantity on Hand
Accounting History